Sunday, 6 March 2016

Glossary Unit 5:

Sweat: related to hard work.
Drown: to die from being put under water.
Brick: clay hardened by being burnt in a furnace and used for building.
Bad temper: disobedient or naughty.
Vandalism: destruction or damage of something.
Graffiti: drawings, writings, or marks made in public places.
Art exhibitions: the making of things considered beautiful.
Modern art: art relating to present and recent time.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Glossary Unit 4:

Wrinkle: a small crease in the skin, as from aging.
Cells: a small room, such as in a convent or a prison.
Device: a thing made for a particular purpose.
Screw: a nail-like metal fastener, having a thin end with a spiral groove and a head with a slot.
Kite: a light frame of wood or plastic.
Roof: the outside, upper covering of a building.
Type Writer:  a machine for write.